15 October 2010

fever to tell

Olivia Jeffries 

I'm always interested in this aesthetic. I like beautiful things. I like thinking about why things like this are beautiful. I like time. I like delicate things. I like pieces of her artist statement about things that move her: "the complex and unknowable nature of reality, an intimate moment which exists for just a second and is then forgotten or the impossibility of feeling how someone else feels..."

and you still refuse to speak
empty vessels

my secret self: you can't always be friendly, there just isn't time

In short: I don't like all of her pieces but I like thinking about them.

07 October 2010


Anthony Zinonos

what a great name.
found him during my 3.0 minutes of free time today... enjoy!

Figures 56 and 42
Pill Head
Triangle Exchange

Maybe it's just the weather, or the mood I'm in, or the stress that seems to permeate everything and everyone right now, but this stuff makes me laugh. Right now, I really appreciate the lighthearted handling of the subjects. Although I often tire of work similar to this-- Urban Outfitters-approved photocollage-- but this guy is honest in a way I don't often see... He doesn't hide anything, he's straightforward, and he manages to bring to light some great ideas. His work is satirical in nature but not extreme past the point of utility.

06 October 2010

A little bit more like Bukowski

I'm tired. The last few weeks have been tough: the next few are going to be tougher. I'm finding it hard to be creative and throw myself into my work when I only have an hour or two at a time and all I really want to do is take a nap. So, this post isn't about an artist. It's about what I've been looking at and thinking about. It's about things I need to see, remember, categorize, sort through, digest, and use.

(both from Martha Stewart)
(from buypetoskeystones.com)

(from yavaglass)