Love this. (found: wiki for hair)
The air is filled with so much anticipation. I love (don't tell) finals week. There's a camaraderie on campus: we're all exhausted, over-caffeinated, and almost there. It doesn't hurt that I tend to work much better under pressure, and subsequently do some of my best work at times like these. I like having my own, class-free schedule. I like feeling justified drinking the equivalent of my weight in coffee. I also like feeling finished: no more papers, no more tests, no more stress. Those few days between finishing a semester and heading home when there's just nothing to do: they're golden. I don't have to be the one always leaving to do work. I can just be. Then again, I can't wait to get home, to see my (and Tim's) puppies, to visit my usual spots, to go running through my neighborhood, to have my laundry done for me, to see homey faces, to watch copious amounts of hockey (go Wings!) and ultimately to travel to NYC for my fellowship and all of the things that come with that. I feel lucky enough to perpetually be looking forward, but on Friday when I'm finished with everything, I'll be happy just to be here and now.