25 January 2009

sew what?

All week I've been sewing, crocheting, and applique-ing.. So, here are some amazing artists, sites, and things that inspired me to break out that rusty sewing machine and get to it.

-First, one of my all time favorite blogs: Masquerade. It's a knit graffiti group from Sweden: how glorious. One of these days I'm going to find these people knitting in the
 Swedish bars and infiltrate their ranks. Oh, and I'll be spending an evening at Hotel Fox in Denmark while I'm at it.

- In the spirit of my Swedish obsessions, here's an adorable "I wish we had IKEA" pillow from etsy's skinnylaminx. After all, who doesn't love voracious efficiency and low prices?

- What's not to love? These pillows from etsy's pillowhappy are fabulous.
 If only I had these when we play scrabble and eat cookies! (with letters written on them with icing, of course)

 -I want this. Enough said. (from etsy's LittleHouses

- And yes, I know this is an illustration.. but on closer inspection, it's been sewn as well!
 In general, I adore all of michele maule's illustrations... especially her spools and typewriters. (plus, she's from Detroit... huzzah for local talent!)

---Okay okay, I promise, no more etsy finds!---

-These cups are amazing... I don't know how she does it, but it has me hooked. Check out the ceramic embroidery (and more!) by Claire Coles.

- And finally... Embroidery As Art blog by talented embroidery artist Jenny Hart. (I especially like her embroidered comic pieces from her flickr account!)

Alright, that's all for this week. I hope it inspires you to break out your sewing machine and tailor something, change something, or make something. (or at least buy one of these amazing pieces!) 

Leave a comment if you have any other fabulous sewing/knitting/etc. finds that you'd like to share! 
Until next week...

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